Abstract Submission

Online Abstract Submission System

The ECoP will award the best abstract presentation during the ECoP Conference, 23-25 October, 2025.

  • Each participant can apply with a maximum of 8 papers as a presenter.
  • 1st €500.00
  • 2nd €250.00
  • 3rd €100.00

Terms & Conditions

  • Abstracts must include previously unpublished work.
  • The abstract submission deadline is July 1, 2025.
  • The abstracts evaluation deadline is August 1, 2025.
  • Authors will be notified of the abstract evaluation results by e-mail immediately after August 1, 2025.
  • Accepted abstracts will be presented in oral presentations during the general program in the main auditorium.
  • Every presentation should be max. 5 minutes and 3 minutes for discussion and questions.
  • Authors must present their work in person.
  • The abstracts will be published in Phlebology.

Abstract Formalities

Please remember that incomplete abstracts or abstracts with formal errors will generally lead to the exclusion of the abstract!

Abstracts must be submitted in Word, in English, and must not exceed 400 words.

The abstract must clearly indicate the following (to be excluded from the word count):

  • Abstract title
  • Category (research project, basic research, clinical trial, innovations)
  • Name(s) of author(s)
  • Affiliation of author(s)
  • Country of residence of author(s)
  • First presentation or already presented in other meetings

The abstract needs to include background, methods, results, and conclusion.

Incompleteness of these four sections will be regarded unfavorably and will generally lead to the exclusion of abstracts.

Initials and abbreviations that are not in common use should be avoided unless they are essential.

Remember to check spelling and grammar carefully.

Submitted abstract text will be reproduced as submitted.

Speaker Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest

ECoP requires that all presentations be as free of commercial bias as possible and that any information on commercial products or services be based on already generally accepted medical thinking.

Abstract Submission

Authors may submit their abstract(s) via e-mail to secretariaat@europeancollegeofphlebology.com. Only electronically submitted abstracts will be considered.

Abstract Evaluation

The abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the ECoP Scientific Board without knowledge of the author’s name. Acceptance or rejection of an abstract will be based on the average grade awarded by the reviewers.

The awards will be decided taking into account scientific merit, originality, and clinical relevance. The first presentation (abstracts not previously presented in other meetings) and younger age will be positively evaluated in case of joint winners. By submitting an abstract for the ECoP, the author confirms that he has read and understood the terms & conditions and accepts them.